In my last post, Aria and I had just moved into our new home. A week later, we were gone. For a month. Working and visiting friends and family. It was a wonderful, busy, fulfilling, exhausting month of reconnecting. I was so grateful to have had the chance to go.
Of course, I jumped right back into the thick of things upon our return in mid-August. :-) And--although thankfully we had no actual hurricanes during Hurricane Season!--the hurricane of my life and activities hasn't stopped since! Check my calendar to the right and you'll see why...
And the calendared events are only the visible, attendable evidence of the many many artistic opportunities I've been pursuing:
- My business is growing slowly but surely, yay! So I've been playing occasional weddings, and have several contracts for early 2011 already.
- I've also continued to promote MARY - A MUSICAL by marketing it to theaters and applying to additional awards programs and contests...and that meant recording additional demo tracks, which concluded VERY successfully this week thanks to the fantastic talents of Frank Galgano (producer, actor/singer, engineer) and Matt Castle (music director, actor/singer, pianist), the co-owners of truly amazing friends.
- And I'll be substituting as organist/cantor at my church while the regular organist/music minister takes a well-deserved vacation over Thanksgiving. I had *just* begun to start playing as a sub in NYC after a hiatus of about 15 years. I'm pretty excited about getting the chance to play again...especially since it won't be a regular commitment. :-)
In non-business life: I've been so busy and overwhelmed that I recently realized an entire day had gone by without me paying a BIT of attention to little Aria!!! Which is--of course--COMPLETELY unacceptable. I made a promise to myself that day that I'd reorganize my life so that a walk with her every day became a priority. So far so good. :-) We walk often to the marina nearby on the Gulf. But I also bought a cute, "Conch"-y bicycle and Aria (in a backpack front-loading pouch--pink, natch!) and I bike occasionally now over to the Atlantic for a glass of wine on Salute's outdoor porch on the beach...ahhhh...
I'm also getting to know my neighbors better--all of them really generous, sweet, good-hearted people. I'm sooooo grateful to be in this neighborhood! In fact, my nearest neighbors (in the condo complex and next door) are gathering on the next-door porch tonight to watch the Locals' Fantasy Fest Parade tonight (yes, Aria, too!). :-)
Fantasy Fest starts "The Season" here in Key West. Last year, I wasn't really part of KW texture enough to be swept up in the holidays. It'll be a discovery this year--one of SOOOOO many.
And yes, I'm still loving it!!!
(My suspicion, based on the last few posts, is that I won't be posting again until, just in case, WARM holidays to you from Paradise--make the most of the magic of the Love in this special season!)
I know, my last post asked how 2 months could go by without posting...and it's now been three since that entry. But my excuse is pretty good: buying, renovating, and moving into a condo, Aria's and my new home in Key West!
I closed the day before my birthday, spent a month doing renovations (new floors, addition of a washer/dryer including new plumbing and electric, painting, and all the unexpected surprises that go along with reno work), moved in June 11, and have spent the past month trying to settle in and finish up the little installing blinds, which will hopefully happen before the end of this week. At which point, I do believe it will all pretty much be done...and I can start just enjoying the new space. And I do love it!
I've also been competing in Aqua Idol since mid-May, have played violin for a few weddings, and was cast in the Waterfront Playhouse's 2011 musical, DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS along with some of the most talented actors in Key West. Such a good few months.
I'm exhausted. But happy. And grateful for A/C! As well as for the lack of oil throughout the Keys so far...yay.
Hope you're having a wonderful summer, too.
How did two months go by without me posting anything...oh wait, I know how...
1. Red Barn's SHORT ATTENTION SPAN THEATRE for the past 4 weeks. An evening of 8 ten-minute plays, and I'm in 4 of them. Sooooooo much fun, lots of talent on stage and I've loved getting to know other KW actors. Next week's the last week of performances and I'll be sad to see it coming to an end. Although that will leave me more time for...
2. It took some time to build the site, but it's already paying off--I've already got 2 weddings booked and hope that's going to spread. Quickly?!
3. This week, I finally got a local cell and phone number, yay! So how much time is invested learning a new phone's quirks?!
4. And I'm hopefully closing on my new KW home in 2 weeks, yay!!!! A smallish 1BR condo, but the location is wonderful--near enough to town for walking/biking but far enough for a lovely quiet atmosphere, and only 4 blocks from the Gulf of Mexico and a sweet little marina. Good walking ahead for me and little Aria!
I'm planning to do a little remodeling before moving into the space in early June. In fact, after finding out what it would cost to have someone else organize the work for me, I've decided to take over contracting duties myself. Which means I'll be organizing an electrician, plumber, carpenter, flooring installer, and possibly a painter if I decide I can afford that along with everything else, eek. But if you know me at all, you know the Type A in me loves that controlling organizational hat, lol!
Life in Key West continues to be SUCH a wonderful adventure for me. I hope your days are full of joy and adrenaline and challenge, too. Hugs from Paradise!
After a longish cool spell, today was back to the stereotype of a beautiful beautiful afternoon in Key West. An afternoon to stroll along the ocean walkway with Aria, baring my white shins to the sunshine for the first time since November, meeting a friend on her bike passing by, breathing deeply the fishy salt air.
A lovely Saturday.
I just spent a few minutes re-reading my 2008 Christmas newsletter and then (completely unrelated) looking at a NYC's friend's website. My 2008 newsletter was full of accomplishments. My friend's website was full of upcoming performances in well-known venues.
I realized that I was getting a knot in my stomach as I read both.
I don't think I was aware of the pressures of success while I was in the midst of them. And if I'm honest--yes, I'm a little worried about being away from it all. Will I do nothing now? Will what I do be mediocre? Will I be satisfied even if it is?
Will I quit performing?
I don't really think the answer to any of those questions is "yes." And the bigger answer is in the knot. I'm so, SO glad to be away from the pressure of whether what I'm doing is leading anywhere or impressing anyone or adding some significance to my resume so that I can climb higher.
Clearly the right time in my life to extract myself from that process. And wish my friends who are still on that path incredible success. And not feel any remorse that I'm no longer pursuing that same kind of success.
And count on still doing Good Work, wherever I am, however often I am able.
Happy New Year. :-)