How did two months go by without me posting anything...oh wait, I know how...
1. Red Barn's SHORT ATTENTION SPAN THEATRE for the past 4 weeks. An evening of 8 ten-minute plays, and I'm in 4 of them. Sooooooo much fun, lots of talent on stage and I've loved getting to know other KW actors. Next week's the last week of performances and I'll be sad to see it coming to an end. Although that will leave me more time for...
2. It took some time to build the site, but it's already paying off--I've already got 2 weddings booked and hope that's going to spread. Quickly?!
3. This week, I finally got a local cell and phone number, yay! So how much time is invested learning a new phone's quirks?!
4. And I'm hopefully closing on my new KW home in 2 weeks, yay!!!! A smallish 1BR condo, but the location is wonderful--near enough to town for walking/biking but far enough for a lovely quiet atmosphere, and only 4 blocks from the Gulf of Mexico and a sweet little marina. Good walking ahead for me and little Aria!
I'm planning to do a little remodeling before moving into the space in early June. In fact, after finding out what it would cost to have someone else organize the work for me, I've decided to take over contracting duties myself. Which means I'll be organizing an electrician, plumber, carpenter, flooring installer, and possibly a painter if I decide I can afford that along with everything else, eek. But if you know me at all, you know the Type A in me loves that controlling organizational hat, lol!
Life in Key West continues to be SUCH a wonderful adventure for me. I hope your days are full of joy and adrenaline and challenge, too. Hugs from Paradise!
Happy Kaya and Mommy