Well, Jean and I just finished our musical's first draft. A year and half of working well together, and we both feel very excited about what we've created. It's now on its way to be reviewed by a trusted colleague, who will offer feedback for minor tweaking before our first read-thru at the end of March. (Yes, the subject is still a mystery. But not for much longer!)
The process is the fun part. Creating together, having an idea that's not quite like someone else's idea, then mashing those ideas together until a third, new idea emerges that is usually better than either person's original idea was. A concrete example that the goal isn't the point, it's the journey.
Although the goal can be rewarding, too. Having this go to production will be just as exciting, I'm sure.
Anyway, tonight is (or actually, the wee hours of this morning are) a time of celebration for us! One step completed, more adventure ahead.
Happy Kaya and Mommy