Spring is in full swing, some of the most beautiful days in Manhattan. Life is overwhelmed with concerts and rehearsals for a month or so--no complaints, my budget is thrilled. The only downside is no time for rewrites of the musical until the schedule clears slightly. But I know the rewrites are brewing in the back of my mind and I'm content to wait for the space.
The occasional walk to Riverside Park, sitting with Aria in the cafe and looking at the Hudson (and NJ in the distance), seeing the trees bud and the tulips bloom and the birds and squirrels (and last night, a raccoon!) out and about...these are the moments that convince me that spring has really arrived and summer's on the way. She and I were both ready for the change. Hope you are finding those same moments of relaxation and renewal in your life as the season changes.
Happy Kaya and Mommy