So--it's finally happening! Thanks to the efforts of Frank Galgano, who will be stage directing, and Matt Castle, who will music direct, an Equity staged reading of MARY - A MUSICAL will be presented on the stage of the York Theater on Tuesday, July 19th. Free and open to the public. That means you. :-)
I'm so excited, and nervous. We're hoping to entice a few industry professionals to be in the audience, along with professional colleagues and friends and family. Check the show's website to see the cast and crew:
I'm in the midst of some rewrites that I'm hoping will improve the show from its last iteration, and writing at least one new song. In case you missed the earlier post, MARY was a finalist in last summer's O'Neill NMTC competition, so the show has legs. :-) Sadly, my collaborator, co-librettist Jean Mornard (who has taken a step back from the show because of her other career pursuits) will be doing her diaconate internship in Vermont during July, so not sure whether she'll be able to attend.
Stay tuned to this blog and to the musical's website,, for additional details as the date gets closer. But put it on your calendars NOW! And in the meantime, please be thinking happy, positive, full-of-energy-and-creative-juices thoughts for me and all involved in making this happen. Thanks!
Happy Kaya and Mommy